- The distance education team will be launching ONLEARN, a fresh and exciting eLearning journal. Look for more information on how to submit articles and subscribe to the journal in February!
- UCO faculty and students will soon have the opportunity to apply for eLearning research grants sponsored by CPDE. The research projects can be either discipline specific or focused on more general eLearning issues. Information on grant guidelines and submission requirements will be released in a few weeks!
- Those UCO faculty interested in a more in intense and focused research experience may be interested in our eLearning faculty fellowship. The faculty member selected for the fellowship will work to contribute evidence-based research findings to the eLearning body of knowledge, and work to develop innovative solutions to pressing problems in the fields of distance education, eLearning and instructional design. Look for more information in early April!
- The Heartland eLearning Conference is just eight weeks away! Plan to join us March 5 and 6, 2012, for informative and exciting sessions by Lee Crockett, Alec Courous, Wes Fryer and many more eLearning specialists.The conference is held on the UCO campus to give you maximum flexibility to teach classes and still attend conference sessions. If you want to attend the full conference but have content to cover, contact CPDE if you need help developing online alternatives! Hurry - early bird discounts end February 15. For more information and to register, visit the conference website at http://www.uco.edu/heartlandconference/.
Best wishes for a joyous and fulfilling year!