Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

It's my favorite time of year again!  Not just the holidays and all the fun associated with them - it's Heartland eLearning Conference proposal review time! 

We had an incredible response this year -- 71 proposals spread throughout the five conference tracks.

Besides the 21 fantastic submissions by UCO faculty and staff, we received submissions from:
  • Eight other Oklahoma colleges and universities, including Southern Nazarene University, Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma Christian University, Langston University, Southwestern Oklahoma State University, University of Oklahoma, Northeastern State University, and the OU Health Sciences Center;
  • Eleven other states, including Georgia, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Michigan, Colorado, Illinois, South Carolina, North Carolina, Utah and Kansas;
  • University faculty, psychologists, K-12 educators, business owners and other individuals passionate about eLearning!
The proposals covered all of the conference tracks -- Instructional Media, Future Directions in eLearning, Social Networking, Effective eLearning Instruction Track, and The Digital Campus. The abstracts are fascinating, with interesting, cutting-edge eLearning ideas and solutions. 

Have you enrolled yet in Oklahoma's best eLearning Conference?  Don't miss the opportunity!

Best wishes to you and your family for a peace-filled, safe and wonderful holiday season.